

Smoked Porterhouse Steak

Ingredients and Necessities

  • Porter House cut steaks about 20oz each
  • olive oil
  • Beef Rub
  • Steak Rub
  • bacon tallow (rendered fat from 12oz pack bacon)
  • Stick of butter

Step 1

Prepare drum smoker for indirect cooking at 275°F using lump charcoal for fuel.

Step 2

Drizzle each side of the porter house steaks with olive oil to lightly coat and season with a layer of Prime Beef rub followed by the Steak Rub. Allow the steaks to rest at room temperature for 20 minutes.

Step 3

Place the steaks on the smoker and insert a probe thermometer into the center of one steak to monitor internal temp.

Step 4

Smoke the steaks until the internal temperature reaches about 118° flipping half way through for even cooking.

Step 5

Take half of the bacon tallow/drippings and mix with 1/2 stick of melted butter. Season with a dash or two of Prime Beef and Steak Rub. Rest in the refrigerate until ready to use.

Step 6

Remove the lid from the drum and baste each steak with the bacon drippings. Flip the steaks and continue cooking (with the lid off to sear the steaks) until the internal temperature reaches about 125-128°F.

Step 7

Remove the steaks from the grill, top each with a big dollop of the bacon tallow butter and rest for 7-10 minutes before serving.

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