

Pork Ribs

Ingredients and Necessities

  • 1 rack pork ribs
  • bbq rub
  • bbq sauce
  • butter
  • brown sugar

Cooking Time

5 hours.

Step 1 - Trim the Meat

Firstly, lay out your pork ribs bone side up on your cutting board. We are going to remove the membrane from the ribs. The membrane is tough, chewy and won't bring any flavor to your ribs. To remove it, take a knife to one end of the ribs and slide it under the membrane. Under cut a flap of the membrane then your should be able to grab it with some paper towels and pull the rest off. This will be tricky but worth the additional effort.

Next, cut any hanging pieces of meat off the ribs. They will only dry out and burn during cooking.

Step 2 - Light the Fires

Prepare your coals or set your smoker temp to 275°. If you can, place a tray of apple cider vinegar at the bottom for an extra souce of moisture. Work on the next step while the smoker is heating up.

Step 3 - Apply Rub

Bone side up with the ribs, take the mustard and apply a thin layer. The mustard brings no additonal flavor, but acts as a binder for the rub we will be applying. Over the layer of mustard apply the salt, pepper and garlic rub generously to the ribs. Be sure to not leave any spot on the meat empty. Next apply the pecan rub the same way. After you have applied both layers, genly pat down the rub to bind it (don't rub it on).

With the under side seasoned you can flip the ribs over and apply the rub to the top in the same fasion. Don't forget to add rub to meaty eadges of your ribs.

The rub only needs to set about 20 minutes before being placed in the smoker (you will see the ribs start to sweat), you can let the rub set longer though.

Step 4 - Smoke the Ribs

With your ribs seasoned and smoker at temp, it time to get them on the grill.

Place them across the grill grates meat side up. For the first ~2 hours of cooking we will be making sure our rub adhears and the smoke flavor gets in the meat. You'll be ready to move to the next step when you can touch your ribs and no rub comes off.

Step 5 - Wrap the Ribs

Cut 2 sheets of foil large enough to wrap the ribs in. Place them right on top of one another. Now, take the brown suger and spoon a strip of it as long and as wide as the ribs right in the center of your foil. After you have done that cut some thin cubes of butter and line them up on top of the brown sugar.

Wrap the foil tightly around the ribs and place them back on the smoker for an additional 2.5 hours or until the meat is “fall-off-the-bone” tender. The internal temperature should be around 212-215 degrees.

Step 6 - BBQ and Set

Carefully remove each slab of ribs from the foil wrap and place on a foil lined baking sheet. Apply a little more The BBQ Rub and place back on the pit for 4-5 minutes. Drizzle The BBQ Sauce over the top and cook an additional 5-10 minutes to set the sauce.

Step 7 - Finish Line

Remove the ribs from the smoker and serve.

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